Rebranding from Acu Seeds to East Healing

Rebranding from Acu Seeds to East Healing

Hello, lovely people!

I’m Giselle, the founder of Acu Seeds—now East Healing—and today I want to share the story behind the exciting evolution of my brand. This journey has been personal, transformative, and deeply connected to my passion for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). So, why the name change? Let’s dive in.

The Beginning: Healing Through Traditional Chinese Medicine

In 2019, I found myself battling Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), a condition that drained my energy, left me struggling with day-to-day tasks, and made life feel like a constant uphill battle. After trying countless conventional treatments, I turned to TCM in search of a more holistic approach. Acupuncture, herbal medicine, ear seeds, and other TCM therapies became my lifeline. It was through these practices that I began to experience real, sustainable healing—both physically and mentally.

Over time, I regained my vitality and felt more in tune with my body than ever before. This personal journey ignited a passion within me to share the profound benefits of ear seeds with others, and that’s how Acu Seeds was born in November 2021. 

The Birth of Acu Seeds

At first, Acu Seeds focused exclusively on ear seeds, a simple yet powerful ear acupressure tool that helps stimulate specific points on the ear to promote overall well-being. I was amazed at how something so small could have such a big impact, whether it was helping people sleep better, relieve stress, or improve their focus.

The response was overwhelming. We quickly became the leading ear seed brand in the UK, and I was humbled to see our product embraced internationally. Then came one of the most defining moments of our brand’s journey—being featured on Dragons' Den. Securing an investment from Steven Bartlett was a game changer, not just for the business, but for me personally. It was a validation of everything I believed in: the power of TCM and the impact it can have on people’s lives.

But as Acu Seeds grew, so did my vision.

Why the Rebrand?

As I reflected on my personal healing journey, I realized that ear seeds were just the beginning. My recovery from CFS involved a combination of TCM tools and practices, and I felt a deep desire to share those with the world too. 

I wanted to offer more than just ear seeds. I wanted to create a space where people could explore the full spectrum of Traditional Chinese Medicine, discover its benefits, and find the tools that resonate with them. TCM had given me back my life, and I knew it had so much more to offer others, beyond what Acu Seeds could represent.

That’s where the idea for East Healing was born.

Embracing East Healing

East Healing isn’t just a rebrand—it’s an expansion of everything I’ve learned and experienced. The new name reflects a broader commitment to bringing luxurious wellness products inspired by TCM to people around the world. While ear seeds will always remain a key part of our offering, East Healing represents a holistic approach to well-being, incorporating products that support physical and emotional health. 

East Healing will offer a curated selection of TCM-inspired products designed to fit seamlessly into modern lifestyles. This rebrand is about making ancient wisdom accessible, without compromising on quality or elegance.

What’s Next?

As we move forward, I am so excited to share all the incredible products and practices that have made such a difference in my life. My goal is to build a luxury wellness brand that helps people improve their mental and physical health, just as TCM has done for me.

Thank you to everyone who has supported Acu Seeds from the beginning—it’s been an incredible journey so far, and I can’t wait for what’s to come with East Healing. Together, we’ll continue to explore the healing power of TCM and create a path toward well-being that feels right for each and every one of you.

Stay tuned for more updates, and here’s to embracing the next chapter of healing, balance, and vitality.

With love and gratitude,
Giselle x 
Founder of East Healing

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frequently asked questions

What are acupuncture ear seeds, and how do they work?

Rooted in the principles of Chinese medicine, ear seeds are an ancient tool that may support a broad spectrum of health concerns by way of aiding restful sleep, assisting emotional well-being, helping you to relax, and supporting your immunity, focus, energy levels, and digestion. 

Ear seeds are a form of auriculotherapy, which is the stimulation of specific points of the ear to support physical and emotional health concerns. They are a needle-free form of acupuncture that have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years. TCM teaches that the ear is a microsystem of the whole body, where certain points on the ear correspond to different organs or body parts. Energy pathways (or ‘qi’ or vital life energy) pass through the ear and ear seeds stimulate specific points which send an abundant flow of energy to the related organ or area that needs attention. Think of it like reflexology, but for the ears instead of feet.

Ear seeds also create continual, gentle pressure on nerve impulses in the ear which send messages to the brain that certain organs or systems need support. The brain will then send signals and chemicals to the rest of the body to support whatever ailments you’re experiencing, releasing endorphins into the bloodstream, relaxing the nervous system, and naturally soothing pain and discomfort. 

Are acupuncture ear seeds safe to use at home?

Ear seeds are a non invasive treatment which is safe and effective. Since they don’t require the use of needles, there is low risk of infection or bleeding. It is also a great way to introduce the benefits of acupuncture to those with needle phobia.

How should the ear seeds be applied?

- Clean ear thoroughly with facial cleanser or an alcohol swab - this removes natural oils, ensuring proper adhesion. Ensure the ear is dry before application.

- Focus on one protocol and identify acupoints by referencing the ear maps in your ear seed kit. You will be applying the seeds to one ear only.

- Using tweezers, carefully lift the edge of clear seed adhesive, hover over the desired area of application, and firmly press down with a finger to adhere.

- Seeds may be stimulated a few times a day by gently massaging in a circular motion. Seeds may be worn for a maximum of 5 days and cannot be reused. Remove with tweezers or fingernails. You can apply a new set on the other ear immediately or if applying to the same ear, please wait for 2 days.

How long will they last?

Ear seeds are single-use only and can be worn up to 5 days depending on the area of the ear where they’ve been placed. Before application, we suggest cleaning the area thoroughly with an alcohol swab or facial cleanser and allowing to dry completely for maximum adhesion. When applying, avoid touching the sticky side of the ear seed as it will not adhere properly. After 5 days of wear, remove seeds with your fingers or tweezers and allow the skin to heal for 2 days before applying a new set of seeds on the same ear. Alternatively, you can reapply immediately on the other ear.

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